Burnout & Career Stress

Therapy for stress in the workplace in Brooklyn, NY

Workplace Stress and Burnout

We live in a culture that prizes productivity and economic growth over the well-being of workers. Many people reach a point in their careers when they feel overburdened, undervalued, underpaid, and unfulfilled. Burnout refers to the emotional or physical exhaustion one experiences due to chronic stress and unsustainable demands. A classic sign of burnout is feeling as though you are contributing more than you are receiving in return. A lack of seeing change due to your efforts can result in feelings of helplessness, frustration, despair, insecurity, and more. Burnout can lead to severe physical and mental health problems. Often, people are unaware that they have options. They might have difficulty setting boundaries, being aware of their own needs and/or mental state, and may have trouble asking for help. In certain workplace environments, burnout conditions are normalized and workers are shamed for not being able to keep up. Additionally, many people become enmeshed with their careers for reasons such as pride and ego, financial reward, lack of fulfilling personal life, loyalty to workplace relationships, and disbelief that they can find other work.

Workplace Relationships

Relationships with bosses and coworkers can define your entire work experience. You might have a demanding boss, a checked-out coworker, or any number of situations in which there is an imbalance. In these relationships, many people find they have difficulty advocating for themselves, setting boundaries, and navigating the situation in a way that is fair to all involved. Occasionally, people find themselves in enactments with coworkers that mirror personal relationship dynamics. Humans are social creatures and the relationships at work can be hugely impactful to your mental health.

Changing Careers

How many times have you fantasized about one day just quitting it all? Many people feel stuck in their jobs despite feeling miserable, and cannot imagine the steps it would take to make a change. The truth is that radical life changes are transformative and healing, and everyone is capable of making such a change. We no longer live in a society that expects us to work the same job until we die, and there is growing awareness of the need for people to prioritize their wellbeing. It can feel terrifying to consider, but changing careers is often the exact action that is needed to start someone’s life moving forward again.

Therapy Can Help Address Work Stress

A therapist can work with you to diagnose and treat burnout. By participating in therapy, you are making an investment into your own mental health. Through this process, you can learn about the impact work is having on you and become aware of the patterns you might be perpetuating in the workplace. You can also process the impact work has had on your life and personal relationships. You might learn how your relationship with work was formed based on your life experiences, and how you can choose to rearrange your priorities. With a therapist, you can learn how to make small changes so that work becomes bearable again, or you can work to identify the specific steps you can take to change careers.